Now, you can find my gluten-free babka recipe here. But what is babka anyway? Inspired by the great pictures of yeast plaits filled with berries or chocolate that look soft and fluffy, I really wanted to give it a try. Well, it’s not that easy when you have coeliac disease and can’t eat gluten.
I looked at some babka recipes and then tried to adapt them to a gluten-free babka version. I think my result is very tasty, but I honestly can’t say whether it really tastes like a traditional babka.
From my research, I know that babka, baba or bobka comes from Central/Eastern Europe and is traditionally eaten at Christmas or Easter. It is a sweet yeast cake that either has no filling but has a vanilla or chocolate icing. If the yeast cake is filled, it is usually made from berries, nuts or chocolate.
What do you think? Does my gluten-free babka deserve the title babka from the looks of it?
Gluten-free babka: How to roll it up and braid it
You could probably also make a classic plait from three strands. But I’ve never tried that. It’s easiest with two strands and it still looks really pretty. With the amount of filling specified in the recipe, it runs out a little when you roll it up. It will be a bit sticky, but the more filling there is, the juicier it will be after baking. I love the texture of the gluten-free babka once it’s baked, you can cut into it and see the ribbons of red filling all over.
Click on the link if you want to see how I baked my recipe: Gluten-free babka recipe video