Gluten-Free Meringue Tart with Lemon Curd

by Nele
4 minutes read
Baiser Torte mit Lemon Curd

This gluten-free meringue tart with lemon curd is a perfect summer tart, refreshing thanks to the lemon, light thanks to the meringue topping. As an alternative to lemon curd, you can of course also use another curd, for example rhubarb curd or orange curd. 

The cake is easy to make, but has some resting time, as the pastry should be cold before you shape it. The lemon curd should also be cold when you use it. That’s why it’s good to start the day before and leave it to chill in the fridge overnight. Therefore the next day, It goes all faster.

How long does the lemon curd keep?

I also made this lemon curd for my brother’s wedding cake. Since I had made too much lemon curd, I preserved the remaining curd and then froze it. After several weeks, I could still eat it without any problems. So, either preserve or freeze the lemon curd. Then it will keep longer. It can be kept refrigerated for about 1 week if left open. These are my experiences, but I am not a trained cook. 

Step by step baking instructions

Here I show you the most important steps. As you can see, the dough is a little darker. If you don’t like the wholemeal taste, you can replace the brown millet flour with tapioca starch and the buckwheat flour with more rice flour.

Baiser Torte mit Lemon Curd

Meringue Tart with Lemon Curd

Serves: 10 - 12 pieces Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts 200 calories 20 grams fat



  • 45 g brown millet flour
  • 80 g buckwheat flour
  • 55 g rice flour
  • 70 g almonds
  • 125 g cold butter or margarine (for me lactose-free)
  • 80 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar

Lemon Curd

  • 6 large eggs (or 2 large eggs and 6 egg yolks)
  • Lemon zest of 2 medium lemons
  • 240 g lemon juice (approx. 6 medium lemons)
  • 230 g sugar
  • 12 tbsp margarine

Meringue topping

  • 4 egg whites
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Mix all the ingredients for the base and knead into a dough. Then place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare the tart tin during the resting time. put a little butter on the base so that the baking paper sticks better to the tin and does not slip.
  3. After the resting time, spread the pastry in the tart tin and prick it carefully with a fork. Then cover with baking paper and spread lentils, beans or other pulses on top so that the dough does not change shape or rise.
  4. For this cake, I don't preheat the oven yet and put the prepared dish in the oven at 180°c for about 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, I remove the pulses. Then leave the tart tin in the oven for another 5 to 10 minutes and watch. When it turns slightly golden brown, it is ready. It should not get too dark.
  5. now let the cake cool.
  6. the lemon curd, can also be made the day before or even several days before. To make it, mix the eggs with the lemon zest, lemon juice and sugar in a saucepan, stirring constantly. Add the margarine and continue stirring over a medium heat. Make sure nothing sticks to the bottom or corners and keep stirring. Keep stirring until the margarine has melted and the texture starts to thicken.
  7. Bring everything slowly to the boil. When it comes to a gentle simmer, stir for about 10 seconds more and take off the heat. Now press the mixture through a sieve into a bowl.
  8. For the meringue topping, whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt and gradually add the sugar. It is ready to be whipped when the egg white feels like well-whipped cream and stays in the bowl when you turn it upside down.
  9. Now generously spread lemon curd on the cooled base and spread the beaten egg white on top for the meringue topping. You can do this with a piping bag (it will probably look nicer) or just spread the egg whites with a pastry scraper.
  10. Place the tart with lemon curd and meringue topping in the oven at 110°c for about 15 to 20 minutes. The tart is ready when the meringue is lightly coloured and firm. Be careful not to let the meringue get too dark.


Instead of a lemon curd, you can of course use any other curd, for example a rhubarb curd. Note the resting times. I prepare the dough and the lemon curd the day before. Thank you so much for trying my recipe! Yours, Nele from travel + free ♥️

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